Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

Tradershub adalah platform perdagangan sosial untuk berpartisipasi dalam ekonomi kripto.


Tradershub adalah platform perdagangan sosial yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk berpartisipasi dalam ekonomi kripto. Dengan memadukan teknik yang canggih dengan pengalaman pengguna yang elegan dan beragam kecerdasan, kami memberdayakan pedagang dengan segala hal yang mereka butuhkan untuk melakukan perdagangan secara efektif di lingkungan perdagangan yang andal dan aman.

Tradershub menciptakan nilai dengan menghapus semua titik gesekan, mendorong kerja sama antara rekan kerja dan memberi insentif kepada pengguna untuk melakukan layanan bernilai tambah untuk kepentingan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.

Pasar terpadu

Dapatkan wawasan mendalam dengan cepat, mudah dan transparan

Bagian tengah platform didedikasikan untuk operasi proses perdagangan utama: manajemen portofolio, analisis data pasar dan eksekusi perdagangan. Tradershub terintegrasi dengan semua pertukaran kripto kunci utama, sehingga mudah untuk memantau dan mengelola saldo portofolio kripto-kurrensi Anda di banyak bursa. Alat interaktif dan metrik real-time memberi pengguna wawasan yang lebih dalam dan membantu merampingkan proses perdagangan mereka.

Komunitas sosial
Manfaatkan kecerdasan crowd-source

Platform Tradershub menggabungkan berbagai komponen sosial dan memanfaatkan modal sosial melalui sistem penghargaannya. Ini menawarkan lingkungan kolaboratif yang memberi insentif kepada anggota masyarakat untuk melakukan layanan penambahan nilai untuk kepentingan masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Imbalan dan insentif berfungsi sebagai dorongan untuk pendirian penuh dan kontinuitas lingkungan perdagangan sosial agar dapat memberikan keberlanjutan platform.

Token Traderhub

Sebuah token yang bisa diandalkan mendukung berbagai macam aplikasi

THT adalah token utilitas yang akan digunakan di platform untuk membayar biaya dan mengakses berbagai fitur dan layanan, seperti perdagangan hantu, umpan data premium, dll. THT juga akan didistribusikan ke pedagang untuk memberi insentif kepada bangunan masyarakat dan penciptaan nilai melalui penilaian berbasis sistem penghargaan dinamis. THT dapat dianggap sebagai aset perdagangan karena kami berencana membuat daftar di semua bursa utama. Jumlah token THT yang dikeluarkan akan dibatasi. Setelah penerbitan awal, tidak ada rangkaian token THT selanjutnya yang akan diikuti.
Hasil gambar untuk logo keamanan

  •      Audit keamanan dan kode reguler
  •      Backup dan enkripsi
  •      Otentikasi dua faktor (2FA)
  •      Lapisan Keamanan Infrastruktur Google
  •      Daftar putih alamat IP
  •      Tidak ada kustodian kepemilikan aset konsumen

Semua teknologi yang menangani cryptocurrency membutuhkan lapisan keamanan ekstra. Ini adalah prioritas mutlak kami untuk memenuhi persyaratan keamanan tertinggi.
Mengapa menggunakan Tradershub?

Trading cryptocurrencies bisa sangat banyak. Ada terlalu banyak dispersi dalam solusi teknologi yang ada, membuat pemantauan beberapa akun pertukaran dan menjaga portofolio investasi tetap up-to-date pekerjaan yang berat dan menyita waktu. Selanjutnya, pasar kripto cenderung berada di bawah ancaman keamanan cyber konstan dan jenuh dengan segala macam informasi yang hanya sebagian kecil benar-benar dapat diandalkan dan dapat menghasilkan keuntungan. Keadaan seperti itu membuat kripto-trading tidak perlu sulit dan menantang.

Tradershub bercita-cita untuk mengatasi semua kekurangan utama dalam teknologi perdagangan kripto dan memberikan solusi intuitif dan intuitif yang lebih sederhana bagi investor dan pedagang, terlepas dari tingkat pengalaman mereka. Dengan keamanan sebagai prioritas, Tradershub dirancang untuk memperkuat dan menyederhanakan kinerja analitik dan eksekusi Anda sambil memanfaatkan kekuatan komunitas yang berkembang. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada pengalaman trading yang menegangkan. Dengan Tradershub Anda akan bisa fokus membuat keputusan terbaik dan tidak ada yang lain.

Tradershub Token





Max. amount of total THT issued is calculated based on the value of Ether/USD on presale launch time and assuming the hard cap is reached by issuing all tokens with max. bonuses
Peta jalan

Q2 2017

Pengembangan Ide dan Konsep Bangunan
Tips Trading Aktif, Blog
Penelitian Kriptomarket

Ulasan Fitur Platform Perdagangan Terbaik
dari Pasar Teregulasi dan Perbaikan Disesuaikan untuk
Pasar Crypto
Q3 2017

Mulai dari Platform Building
Halaman web
Kertas putih

Pengembangan Fitur
Ekspansi Tim
Finalisasi Model Bisnis
Q4 2017

Pertukaran Negosiasi

Database pedagang
Q1 2018

Versi Beta dari Tradershub Gateway

Sesuaikan Crypto Watchlist
Tampilan Agregat
Q2 2018

Demo / Perdagangan Kertas
Multi Monitor Setup

Peringatan Perdagangan
Platform Interaktif, Setup Indikator Teknis

Produk Add-on pihak ketiga
Smart Safety & Security Features, Integrasi Dompet Dingin
Q3 2018

Visnalizer Peluang Arbitrase
Data pasar yang dapat diunduh
Aplikasi seluler

Sistem Routing Traderhub Smart
Perdagangan hantu
Q1-Q4 2019

Pengembangan Lebih Lanjut Fitur Sosial
Dana Managed Managershub yang Aktif



Tilen Šarlah

Tilen Šarlah

Co-founder, Professional Trader
Tilen is an economist with a University degree in Financial Markets and Executive MBA. He is a passionate trader with financial instruments and digital currencies with over 15 years of experience with capital markets. As a great cryptocurrency enthusiast, he is actively involved in daily trading, regularly blogs about finances, writes trading strategies and conducts public lectures.
Nikola Maljković

Nikola Maljković

Co-founder, Professional Trader
Nikola has been involved with capital markets for over 13 years. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics he started working in the financial industry as a sales trader on the electronic trading platform for the largest Slovenian non-banking brokerage house where he provided support to HNW clients. He is an expert in technical analysis of financial instruments and is the author of many articles on how to improve active trading.
Peter Drobež

Peter Drobež

Co-founder, Investor
Peter has a University degree in Banking and Finance. In 1999 he started working for one of the major banks in Slovenia where he started building his extensive economic background. Excellence in his field of expertise led him to become one of the most influential managers in an international corporation, one of the leading European manufacturers of flavours and food ingredients.

Urh Ferlež

Urh Ferlež

Head of Design and UX
Urh has a Bachelor’s Engineering degree in Creative Media and works as a managing director and lead designer at Bragi, a company he founded in 2009. In his 15 years’ experience in designing, developing and managing all sorts of innovative products, his work was internationally recognised with many awards, such as Seal of Excellence by the European Commission in Bruxelles, Comenius EduMedia Awards in Berlin and Product Of The Year Award in Slovenia.

Luka Klepec

Luka Klepec

Chief Technical Officer
Before joining Tradershub, Luka served as CTO of Atei. During his tenure the company grew three-fold and named MOV best tech company of the year. Prior to Atei he was recruited by Telekom Slovenije to help start a new diagnostics platform in 2004. Over the next 4 years, the company became the most successful telecom provider in the country. His previous ventures include almost a decade leading the development of iRose, BMS Computers and other small companies. He co-founded

Luka Žabkar

Luka Žabkar

VP Engineering, Blockchain Developer
Luka is a full stack developer with a Bachelor’s Science degree in Computer and Information Science. He participated in numerous projects in the field of IT and development for local and global institutions, including Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. With over 7 years of experience working in the area he is an excellent leader of the engineering and development efforts at Tradershub.

Blaž Palatinuš

Blaž Palatinuš

Software Engineer
Blaž is a front end developer with a Bachelor’s degree in Media Communications Engineering. His diverse set of skills make him an ultimate jack-of-all-trades able to tackle difficult assignments on a day to day basis. For the past 4 years he has perfected his experiences, participating in various development projects from the initial design to the final stage. 

Vito Križnik

Vito Križnik

Software Engineer
Vito has been programming professionally since earning his Bachelor’s in Computer Sciences from the University of Maribor. With nearly 10 years of experience, in all parts of development, he is an important part of the company’s development team. Before joining Tradershub, Vito served as Full-Stack Developer at Adesco, that has become the leading company in energy management in the country, during his employment. 

Jurij Repar

Jurij Repar

Software Engineer
With his background in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Jurij brings a broad spectrum of knowledge to the Tradershub project. From back- and front-end development in Scala, PHP and AngularJS, database management in MySQL and MongoDB, to web design and technical support.

Sanja Centa

Sanja Centa

Content Operations & Strategy
With a background in Business Management and Cultural Studies, Sanja has con-tributed to different organizations in public and private sectors, by ensuring fluid execution of operational activities and successfully applying for several local and EU funding calls. hrough an analytical and content-driven approach, she analyzes and manages KPIs on multiple levels to evaluate team’s success at reaching objectives.

Boštjan Rojc

Boštjan Rojc

Community Manager
Boštjan is an entrepreneur with an economic background. For 5 years he gained experience as a salesman leading promotions, company’s public image and customer care, until he was
Erik Gomezel

Erik Gomezel

Architecture and Data Interoperability Advisor
Erik is an experienced trader with extensive experience in testing trading platforms and trading strategies. After graduating as an electrical engineer, Erik worked in a scientific research institute, where he was responsible for developing electronic devices for experimentation and analyzing collected data. At that time, he has already been passionate about financial markets and fintech.

Roman Gomboc

Roman Gomboc

Trading Advisor
Roman has university degrees of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He has over 15 years of experience as a professional trader and as a leader of best trading platform in the world. At the beginning of his career, he was seven-years head of Saxotrader platform as a white label partnership in one of the biggest brokerage houses in Slovenia.

Jure Poljšak

Jure Poljšak

MBA, Financial Advisor
An experienced executive in the area of risk management, corporate finance and M&As. He currently serves as Director of Credit Risk at Abanka and holds several supervisory board positions in the financial industry. He is keen on new technologies including blockchain and has become a digitalisation enthusiast by success-fully managing various digitalisation projects in different industries.

Peter Merc

Peter Merc

Ph.D., EMBA, Legal and Blockchain Advisor
Peter Merc is blockchain legal advisor and fintech expert. He is a cofounder of Lemur Legal, disruptive legal advisory company, focused on legal matters related to industry 4.0. Peter is also a member of the supervisory board in Abanka d.d., systemic bank in Slovenia. 

Peter Trček

Peter Trček

Security Advisor
Peter Trcek is the CEO and founder of Bitnik, the leading Slovenian bitcoin company that has been successfully operating bitcoin automation since 2014. As a blockchain and cryptocurrency advocate, expert and consultant he is determined to continue spreading blockchain technologies and often participates in events as a public speaker.


Lemur legal

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