WePower is a
global block-based green energy trading network that has solved the
current issue of capital access for renewable energy producers. It
also offers access to direct investment in profitable projects that
benefit end users, including all types of investors and energy market
makers. This is done by using an almost transparent method of using energy tokenisasi.
As soon as the amount of renewable energy is available by WePower, this platform becomes a new generation of utility.
It would be based on the basic principles of decarbonization, democratization and decentralization.
The project is supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania due to its social impact on reducing climate change.
WePower on its platform proposes an internal WPR token that comes with real assets (energy) and ensures their liquidity, approved by European regulators.
The owner of the WPR token takes priority over the auction for energy sales on the WePower platform. The more WPR tokens you have, the more energy you get. Priority allows you to buy energy auctions at the best price. It also increases the cost of WPR token due to additional demand from major buyers.
As soon as the amount of renewable energy is available by WePower, this platform becomes a new generation of utility.
It would be based on the basic principles of decarbonization, democratization and decentralization.
The project is supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania due to its social impact on reducing climate change.
WePower on its platform proposes an internal WPR token that comes with real assets (energy) and ensures their liquidity, approved by European regulators.
The owner of the WPR token takes priority over the auction for energy sales on the WePower platform. The more WPR tokens you have, the more energy you get. Priority allows you to buy energy auctions at the best price. It also increases the cost of WPR token due to additional demand from major buyers.
WePower solves the following energy market shortages:
Global access to capital for green energy projects
Global access to green energy investment and trade (ie liquidity)
Speed and transparency
Lack of capital is required for project development
The appeal of long-term capital of banks and fundraising prospects
Constant lack of funds themselves
To optimize the financing cycle and open access to capital, WePowerimana tokenisasi energy. Encrypted energy is the mechanism.
Die stigters s WePower sal kontrakte teen laer pryse aanbied as convensionele markte. In
Spanje, die WePower-bekendstelling mark, sal diegene met een
megawatt-uur $ 39- $ 40 per eenheid kos' n standaard groothandelprys van
$ 47 per eenheid. Dit sal 17% spaar en die
eenheid self verhandel word, wat beteken dat jy teen 'n prys kan verkoop
as die prys styg (sê, want daar is' n kragtekort beskikbaar wat altyd
beskikbaar is).

Enige energie-energie wat op die WePower-platform aangedryf word, sal 'n veiling hou vir die verkoop van tokenenergie. Hou
Token WePower sal prioriteit toegang tot die veiling hê en die
toekenning sal afhang van die aantal WePower-tokens wat hulle het.
skepping sal verval wanneer die maksimum hoeveelheid WPR uitgereik word
of die termyn van die koste is verby. Indien nie vanaf die sagte marge
van die minimum token uitgereik nie, kan die bydraende tokenverkope
verkry word. Van al die gekeurde tokens sal in die Bounty Program
geprogrammeer word, maar sal nie 525,000 USD in die WPR-token oorskry
nie. 1.5%

ICO Besonderhede:
Datum: 02/01 / 2018-03 / 03/2018
· Ticker: WPR
· Tokentipe: ERC20
· Hardcap: 35,000,000 USD
· Tokenprys op ICO: 1 WPR = 0.00091 ETH
· Aantal tokens: 289,000,000
Beskikbaar te koop: 55%
· Betaling: ETH

projek word ondersteun deur die Verenigde Nasies en die Ministerie van
Energie van die Republiek van Litaue weens die moontlike sosiale impak
daarvan op die beheer van klimaatsverandering. WePower sal sommige van
sy tegnologieë deel in lande wat groen energie- en CO2-rekeninge toepas,
met behulp van blockchain-tegnologie.
se innoverende tokenmodel is met Europese reguleerders uitgeklaar. Dit
is gestruktureer as 'n prysgebaseerde versperring, waarin bydraers die
vrye energie wat hulle op die platform kan gebruik of verkoop, waardeer.

Vir meer inligting, besoek asseblief die onderstaande skakel:
Website: https: //wepower.network/
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/WePowerNetwork
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/WePowerN
Telegram: https: //t.me/WePowerNet
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