Kamis, 26 April 2018



The Qurrex team is developing the world's first multifunctional hybrid cryptocurrency exchange ecosystem project by combining a centralized industry platform with a decentralized blockchain protocol, in which centrally exchange will serve as one of the nodes

They are creating next-gen etalon platforms, which can be trusted by stock exchange users by substantially increasing market liquidity and supplying a set of new standards of exchange products.

The product’s key functional capabilities are as follows:

Qurrex solutions are aimed at a wider set of users, from investors, the big brokers and institutional investors.


  Today, in a growing crypto-economy, the paradoxical situation has grown more rapidly. on the other hand, total central exchange hegemony has been established, using minimal basic client functions and services - positions only strengthened by trading volume and cryptocurrency capitalization.
 At the same time, institutional players in financial markets backed by hundreds of millions of clients and have large amounts of funds, find it hard to trust the cryptocurrency trade market due to lack of industry standards and transparency.
 Vulnerability and backwardness of their trading platform technology become a big problem, other things like infrastructure compared to classically managed exchange systems.

Qurrex ecosystem

Centralized nodes, their effectiveness is comparable to a modern, cutting-edge traditional exchanges.
Client functionality that meets the demands of users of leading exchange and FX brokers
Blockchain network, which one side solves the problem of storage and eliminating intermediaries, while the other hand provides users with the aggregate liquidity of all network nodes, including centralized platforms
In fact, qurrex will set the crypto-economic industry standard for a universal currency exchange cryptocurrency.

Key features

Qurrex customers

Hybrid architecture

Each node of hybrid exchange will provide the best execution service to the user. in Qurrex this service is implemented by a special module-smart order router, which is part of all blockchain nodes and centralized nodes.

Qurrex DEX blockchain consists of two types of nodes; confirming nodes and user nodes. The dex protocol allows confirming nodes to fill other nodes as a commission for deals and transactions.

Qurrex creates a special cryptocurrency qBTC and qETH, which traders can redeem through DEX and their trades are not for separate blockchain transactions.

Token Sale Structure
Token Distribution


The Qurrex Token 

Discount each person to pay the fees charged to arrange the trades;
As an intermediary to pay for services and expenses with other currencies;
a quoted exchange commodity, cryptotoken.
By creating a DEX, Qurrex seeks to improve security, comfort, enhance competitiveness, liquidity pools and trade. At the same time, Qurrex decides not to use the token as a utility, to avoid some systemic problems, such as;

Excessive inflation growth;
Limit the number of users or demand in the deposit model;
Decrease the availability and usefulness of services, caused by deteriorating DEX consumer properties;
a conflict of interest of DEX subjects: Confirmation Nodes tend to increase the size of the commission, while User Nodes reduce it. 

QURREX Roadmap

Reference point: November 2016 – February 2018  
In November 2016, at our own expense, we began work on the project.
In November 2017, pre-ICO was successfully held, of which 17 investors believed in the Qurrex, and their investment of 1 million USD.

Before the end of February 2018, there will be a transaction or matching to be presented to include innovation-based testing systems.

Reference pont: 1st half of 2019 
Qurrex office will operate in the full EU and will receive a license for the payment system to conduct activities in the EU
Clients will easily gain access to classic stock market services, such as collocation and connections to high-performance protocols.

precisely at the end of the second half of this year after connecting the client, qurrex will conduct public testing, intends to provide the transfers with access to test sites and publish technical documentation about the high-speed protocol.

Reference point: 2nd half of 2019. 

Perform stress testing on a decentralized trading platform as well as network integration tests with a central trading system.

After the launch of commercial operations, any customer connected to the hybrid exchange platform will be able to access aggregate liquidity of all network nodes as well as the liquidity provided by the centralized exchange.

if you want to join please see link below

Details Information:





Sabtu, 07 April 2018



SUNMONEY SOLAR GROUP didirikan pada tahun 2013 dengan investasi 2 juta EUR oleh investor swasta.

SSG menghasilkan listrik dari pembangkit tenaga surya yang berada di berbagai negara. Listrik ini dijual setiap hari ke pengguna akhir atau ke perusahaan utilitas umum. Pembeli membayar listrik setiap bulan ke SSG. Anggota baru dapat menjadi bagian dari SSG dengan membeli paket surya dari SSG, dan sebagai anggota mereka akan memiliki saham mereka sendiri dari total kapasitas produksi berdasarkan jumlah watt yang dibeli dan mendapatkan pembayaran bulanan selama 25 tahun. Seseorang bisa membeli paket solar dari harga 2 euro sampai 85.000 euro. Listrik dihasilkan, kemudian dijual atas nama anggota yang akan menerima penghasilan bulanan dari bulan pertama pembelian sampai akhir tahun ke 25. Anggota juga dapat membangun komunitas mereka sendiri dengan membeli paket komunitas kami dan mengundang orang lain untuk bergabung melalui sistem rujukan kami. Nilai yang dihasilkan oleh paket surya dihubungkan dengan hak panel surya milik SSG dan mitranya. Pendapatan dari penjualan listrik yang dihasilkan oleh pembangkit listrik kami didistribusikan secara proporsional setiap bulan di masyarakat.

Tujuan dan visi

Lindungi lingkungan, berikan energi hijau dan menghasilkan uang!
Tujuan utama dari Program Tenaga Matahari SUNMONEY Community adalah menjadi program perlindungan lingkungan yang paling efektif di dunia.
 Kami ingin mendorong perubahan yang nyata,memastikan bahwa manfaat yang dihasilkan dari operasi kami tidak hanya untuk segelintir individu,
tapi akan meluas ke semua anggota komunitas kita, dan membantu kita untuk tumbuh lebih jauh. Tujuan lain dari SUNMONEY adalah untuk
membawa listrik ke tempat-tempat yang kekurangan infrastruktur saat ini, dan karenanya tidak mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi harian mereka, dan berkontribusi terhadap proteksi lingkungan

Sunmoney token

Sebanyak 10.000.000 token SMT akan dikeluarkan di blokir Ethereal dengan menggunakan kontrak cerdas, dimana 7.200.000 akan ditawarkan selama proses ICO. SMT akan mematuhi standar ERC20 dan akan dapat dipindahtangankan secara bebas di platform Ethereal. Token SMT tidak menunjukkan kepemilikan perusahaan, SSG tidak akan membayar dividen dan pemilik SMT tidak akan mendapatkan bunga langsung. Nilai token akan mencerminkan aktivitas Kelompok SunMoney di pasar energi. SunMoney Group melakukan pembuatan program buy back untuk token SMT dimana SMG menggunakan 20% dari keuntungan tahunannya atau 3% dari omset tahunannya (mana yang lebih tinggi) untuk membeli kembali dan menghancurkan token TPS.



Orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam ICO akan ditawarkan diskon khusus untuk semua paket bisnis yang tersedia jika mereka membayar dengan SUNMONEY TOKENS dan / atau BTC atau ETH. TPS yang diterima akan hancur.


Dalam kasus IPO, pemegang Token SMT akan memiliki opsi pembelian prioritas untuk saham.


SUNMONEY SOLAR GROUP berjanji untuk membuat program buy back untuk token SMT, di mana SSG menggunakan 20% dari keuntungan tahunannya atau 3% dari omset tahunannya (mana yang lebih tinggi) untuk membeli kembali dan menghancurkan token TPS.


Setelah peluncuran 100k + platform investasi SMG SMG pemegang SMT akan dapat membeli hak atas komisi yang terhubung dengan pendapatan platform. TPS yang diterima akan hancur.



Saat ini platform investasi SSG terbatas pada investasi di bawah 100K euro. SSG berencana untuk memperluas platformnya untuk menerima investasi di atas 100K euro. Platform ini akan melengkapi sistem yang ada. Platform ini juga akan menyambut para pemilik pembangkit tenaga surya pihak ke-3, yang akan dapat menjual investasi jangka pendek dan jangka panjang oleh Watt dalam skala apapun. Seluruh pembangkit tenaga surya ini akan diaudit oleh auditor independen — PWC, Deloitte — dan akan dipantau dengan teknologi blockchain. Penjual akan dapat mewujudkan pendapatan jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang segera pada proyek pembangkit tenaga surya mereka untuk mempercepat ROI Pembeli akan dapat berinvestasi dalam energi terbarukan dari jarak jauh untuk mendapatkan pendapatan jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang untuk mewujudkan keuntungan tanpa investasi awal untuk membangun pembangkit tenaga surya. SSG memiliki jajaran awal 50 perusahaan untuk menggunakan platform investasi baru ini untuk menjual investasi. Pada tahun pertama operasi platform baru, SSG mengharapkan 2000 pembangkit tenaga surya terdaftar di dalamnya dengan 15.000 investor yang masuk bursa. SSG akan membebankan komisi atas semua transaksi pihak ketiga. Dalam jangka panjang, SSG akan memperluas platform investasi ini ke platform perdagangan terindeks 360º untuk energi terbarukan Semua aktivitas ini menjamin pertumbuhan perusahaan dan pertumbuhan dinamis dari nilai SunMoney Token.


Kami sedang dalam proses mengintegrasikan blockchain ke Sunmoney’s Solar Account System dan sistem pembayaran kami juga. Juga platform investasi baru dan pemantauan semua pembangkit tenaga surya akan didasarkan pada kontrak blockchain dan smart untuk memberikan keamanan dan transparansi.


Data produksi Solar Farm yang up-to-date akan disimpan di blockchain untuk menjamin informasi produksi transparan baik untuk mitra dan investor. Semua Solar Farms yang ada dilengkapi dengan unit pemantauan real-time yang canggih yang menyediakan semua data teknis dan produksi yang diperlukan ke pusat operasi SunMoney. Data ini akan disimpan langsung di blockchain, sehingga menjamin baik para mitra maupun investor wawasan yang tak tertandingi baik dalam operasi maupun wawasan finansial.

Platform investasi

SunMoney berencana menawarkan akses ke komunitas investasi dan mitra dagang energi untuk pemilik dan operator Solar Farm pihak ketiga. Kapasitas pihak ketiga ini akan memasuki jaringan permukiman dan permukiman finansial SunMoney melalui kontrak cerdas di blokir Etereum. Penyelesaian keuangan akan otomatis, aman dan transparan kepada operator pihak ketiga dan investor keduanya


Informasi Lebih Lanjut:






Hasil gambar untuk bounty MEGATRON

What is the MEGATRON Platform?

MEGATRON is a leading blockchain for the next generation that uses decentralized cryptocurrency that runs on the most secure and open source blockchain technology Ethereum. It connects Ethereum miners around the world, entrepreneurs, and common people.

MEGATRON will work exclusively for miners, traders, investors, communities around the world to ensure a safe and flexible Business Environment. Megatron's Pltaform goal is to make the digital currency capital market more transparent, open, and connected by expanding the mining community of ethereum and mining tools available.


To increase the Ethereum mining community worldwide and make it easier and reliable for all Ethereum users. In accordance with the registration record of coinmarketcap until now 587+ Token circulating in crypto market. And there are 95% of them using the Ethereum blockchain technology. So basically we understand the demand for ethereum mining.

Blockchain Technology MEGATRON

Blockchain technology is the foundation of MEGATRON and is the next "Cryptocurrency Revolution". Blockchain technology is a digital book system that allows transacton done with complete accuracy because it is a blend of cryptographic systems and databases between users (P2P) computers.

The combination of this technology leads to an irreversible and irreversible digital book system, which means that transactions can not be tampered with when they are signed and transferred. The transaction becomes final and there is no double spend.

Cryptography is used to encrypt messages on a digital ledger, but is significantly used to sign transactions by users and to prove these transactons.

Decentralized Blockchain and P2P realms mean that digital books eliminate the need for data centers and disaster recovery centers (DRCs) that overshadow the core system. The end result is that the digital ledger will always be up and running.

Security System And Wallet MEGATRON

MEGATRON will launch the world's best wallet for its users. The wallet will be available on Windows and MAC as well as mobile apps that you can download from the App store (for iOS devices) or from PlayStore (for Android devices).

Megatron Wallet will give you the opportunity to manage your money, transfer funds, give money to your contacts or pay your bills directly anywhere in the world. we will use the latest technology to make our users wallets very safe and protected by hackers / hackers.

MEGATRON is always concerned with the security of its users. By giving top priority, we use the latest security systems on websites, user wallets, and mobile apps. this security will keep our users safe from hacking, data sharing, and even more threads that are not accepted. Below, the security image options below will be in our platform.


MEGATRON will develop a mobile app for smartphones and smart devices compatible with the MEGATRON intelligent system directly with a user friendly interface suitable for the digital age and lifestyle of most people.

Users can use MEGATRON websites, wallets, payment gateways, trades, and choose whatever services they need from our blockchain anywhere and from anywhere in the world.


MEGATRON will provide the safest debit card for their esteemed users. Anyone from anywhere can buy the ultimate cryptocurrency with MEGATRON. All these altcoins can then be used to make purchases using your MEGATRON debit card.

Users can easily withdraw their megatron balance to get cash from ATMs supported by visa cards. our debit cards will be accepted as payment systems with our partner payment gateways around the world such as in online shoping, banking, advertising and marketing. we will start sending MGT debit cards starting October 2018.

Token Specifications

Allocation of Token

Budget allocation

ICO Timeline



For more information about MEGATRON please visit the official MEGATRON website below

Website: https://www.megatron.io/
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3133601
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3138851
Whitepaper: https://www.megatron.io/MEGATRON_WHITEPAPER.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/G5SiVhHSULItovwSdcakjg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/megatron.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SupportMegatron





Selasa, 03 April 2018



What is Property Coin?

Property Coin is your exclusive key to participate in a token backed by a diversified and professionally managed portfolio of real estate and loans uncovered using Aperture’s proprietary technology platform.

What is Aperture?

Property Coin is managed by Aperture, a
California-based real estate technology and investment company that seeks to innovate the way technology is used in the acquisition, rehabilitation and disposition of residential real estate. We have systematized the process of acquiring, repairing and re-selling properties with over 50% unlevered IRRs produced to date.

Aperture operates in two primary business areas:
→ the trading of residential properties (“flips”)
→ providing loans to other property investors
(“investor loans”)

How does Property Coin work?

Aperture will invest 100% of the net proceeds from the Property Coin ICO in real estate and loans owned through the Property Coin purchasing entity (PCX, LLC and affiliates). Each coin holder will own a fractional percentage of all assets owned by Property Coin. Coin holders will also be entitled to 50% of the net profits from these property and loan investments. Aperture will re-invest those profits in new real estate related investments, with the intent of creating a natural price appreciation effect for coin holders. We plan to raise up to $50 million to invest in the property and loan investment opportunities identified and evaluated by our proprietary tool set in conjunction with the expertise of our highly experienced team.
We have been beta testing our systems and methods since 2016, making real world property investments with our own capital. This testing has resulted in the rejection of approximately 99.8% of available investment opportunities and we select only the best 0.2% of opportunities viewed. To date we have produced over 50% unlevered IRRs on our investments.

Our Platform Your Benefits :
Institutionally-managed and asset-backed cryptocurrency
Real Estate Tech powered by data science
Leverage the investment experience of Wall St.and Real Estate investment professionals

Have a look at some of the properties we have already flipped

Before & After


A growing asset base
Because Property Coin will reinvest all retained profits into additional real estate assets, the value of Property Coin may appreciate independently from any market value driven increase.

Impressive investment potential
The table and graph below depict the natural appreciation of a $100 net investment in real estate assets made by Property Coin at various assumed rates of return.

Potential value of real estate assets owned by PCX holders
(based on initial $100 net investment)

Potential value of real estate assets owned by PCX holders
(based on initial $100 net investment)
Net annual return to Property Coin holders

(*) The table and graph assume that $100 is initially invested by Property Coin into a
portfolio of real estate related assets. Further, these assets produce profits and the
reinvestment of the retained profit share into new assets (after the payment of all
operating expenses and profit share) is assumed to produce the constant rates of return
illustrated, compounded annually. For example if $100 is initially invested at a net
annual return to Property Coin holders of 10%, at the end of year 1, $110 will be invested
in assets and at the end of year 2, $121 will be invested in assets.

Major Benefits of Property Coin :

  • 100% asset backed

Property Coin is fully asset backed. 100% of the net proceeds of the ICO will be invested in real estate and loans. Property Coin holders own the underlying assets, and benefit from natural price appreciation.
  • Experienced operators

Our team estimates that during their careers they have been involved in the closing of over $150B of real estate financing transactions, flipping of over 3,000 properties, origination of over $10B of mortgage loans and they have created multiple Wall St. loan technology platforms.
  • Growing asset base

Aperture expects the value of the underlying assets owned to increase over time as retained profits are reinvested.
  • Proven technology 

Property Coin is being issued by an innovative
company with proprietary technology and an experienced management team. Tech development and infrastructure build is complete, beta tested, and operational with a profitable, real-money track record.
  • Old world meets new world

Property Coin merges traditional securitization technology into a coin format. Property Coin is being structured in consultation with Dentons US LLP, one of the most respected structured finance law firms in the world.
  • Committed to transparency

Aperture supports Property Coin with a commitment to monthly reporting of the value of assets owned via www.propertycoin.re and external accounting reviews.

Residential real estate is the single biggest asset class in the world and, until now, there hasn’t been a way for the crypto community to gain diversified, professionally managed and high quality exposure to this market.We would like to raise $50+ million (initially) to
invest in property and loan opportunities selected using our proprietary toolset in conjunction with our highly experienced team.Property Coin represents the only opportunity that
we are aware of anywhere to directly invest in diversified exposure to the residential fix and flip asset class.Property Coin represents an opportunity to own a fractionalized piece of an institutionalized and diversified fix and flip and loan portfolio.

Money Invested in Global Asset Classes ($ Trillions)

Property Coin ICO vs. Typical ICO
Property Coin is no ordinary ICO, here’s how it compares to the norm:

Token Sale Structure

Designed for growthAperture believes that an opportunity exists for significant growth in our investments in the flips and investor loan markets.Aperture’s systems and operational infrastructure have been specifically designed with the potential for material scale. Ultimately, it is envisioned that, if successful, we may manage billions of dollars worth of property investments and loan originations.
Currencies accepted
U.S. Dollars, Ether and Bitcoin will be accepted during the Property Coin ICO.
Price of PCX
The initial price per Property Coin will be set to $50. As such, the number of PCX tokens initially purchased by PCX investors will be determined based on the USD to BTC/ETH exchange at the time of sale.

Sale timingAs a result of the potential scale of our operation, and the market opportunity, no limit has been placed on the total funds raised from the ICO. Instead, a limit has been placed on the length of the time in which Property Coin will initially be available for sale.
The Property Coin ICO will go live in May, 2018 andis expected to run through the end of May.

ICO discountsPurchases of Property Coin may be made at the following discounts, at the following times set forth below:
Feb 26 - March 31, 2018 20% discount
April 1- May 12, 2018 10% discount
On or after May 13, 2018 Full price

Property Coin RewardsCommunity rewards system
In the spirit of creating a strong and connected community, as well as the development of utility
applications for PCX, we intend to offer the following rewards to investors as we reach certain funding

Net coin sale

  • $0 - $10MM
→ Transparent monthly reporting of all real estate assets owned and profits  earned by coin holders at www.propertycoin.re
→ Reinvestment of retained profits in order to grow the value of real estate  assets owned by Property Coin holders
  • >= $25MM
→ We will endeavor to support the use of Property Coin to buy houses from Aperture
  • >= $50MM
→ $1,000 discount on loan and property closing costs with Aperture for select
holders of Property Coins
→ 100 investors who contribute over $10,000 receive Property Coin swag
→ Enhanced transparency achieved through the blockchain based record of all
purchases and sales
  • >= $100MM
→ Aperture to create separate pools of properties for longer-term investment
(rental/ vacation/ etc) that coin holders can use PCX to co-invest in
→ Aperture to host small group Q+A sessions about real estate investing for
select holders of Property Coins

Designed for growthAperture has already created material operational
assets and infrastructure that can accommodate
significant property investment and loan
origination volume.

Growth PlanThe intent of the initial Property Coin issuance
is to fuel the growth and expansion of the flip
and loan origination businesses, while creating
a long-term and stable asset base for Property
Coin holders.

Tim Senior


Detail informasion :
Website : https://propertycoin.re/en/
Whitepaper : https://propertycoin.re/en/whitepaper/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Property-Coin-1768255573477346
Telegram : https://t.me/property_coin
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Property_Coin






Ini sebuah proyek yang terdesentralisasi dengan nilai yang sangat menguntungkan bagi calon investor dan ini adalah salah satu pro...