Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

LA OPORTUNIDAD es la mejor

describe un servicio que se enfoca en plataformas de conocimiento, intercambio de conocimiento, bajo demanda con mercados descentralizados habilitados para cripto, que atienden a pequeñas y medianas empresas y proveedores de servicios individuales. Esta plataforma simplifica la excelencia

generación y B2B y B2C a través de la administración de la oferta / demanda de ecosistemas, soporte de barreras basadas en Escrow, descentralización e implementación de reglas y estándares establecidos para hacer negocios usando contratos inteligentes.

Combinando las ventajas de la economía bajo demanda y la tecnología blockchain, Opporty presenta mercados criptográficos para el comercio B2B y B2C. En particular, la plataforma permite un nuevo modelo de compromiso social y comercial al reconocer a la empresa como la fuerte comunidad de expertos de Opporty, y brinda la oportunidad de construir una reputación profesional a través del intercambio de conocimiento que enriquece a la sociedad.

La función criptográfica de Opporty está habilitada por Ethereum, una plataforma de computación distribuida en blockchain, que simplifica la administración de contratos comerciales inteligentes y garantiza su validez.


Nuestro objetivo principal es crear un entorno productivo: enfoque empresarial, descentralización, comunidades de autoayuda, donde los propietarios de negocios y los proveedores de servicios individuales gestionen negocios según estándares predefinidos y eduquen a otros aportando contenido. Tomando lo mejor de ambos mundos (on-demand y blockchain), nuestra misión es hacer de Opporty un mercado fácil de usar que permite la multiplicación de actividades de pequeñas empresas y proporciona un entorno libre de riesgos para hacer negocios a través de Escrow y Blockchain descentralizado. contrato de potencia inteligente.


Nuestra visión es revolucionar la forma en que las pequeñas empresas y los proveedores individuales solicitan y ofrecen servicios, y hacen negocios en general. Aprovechando el poder de la tecnología blockchain, nuestro objetivo es crear un mundo en el que las empresas utilicen contratos inteligentes seguros, sólidos e invariables que compitan con los sistemas transaccionales y de pago tradicionales ofrecidos por las instituciones financieras corporativas. La plataforma resolverá los problemas que surjan a través del depósito de garantía descentralizado y, por lo tanto, la resolución del contrato no dependerá del estado para la aplicación de la ley.


Protección remota: garantiza una alta calidad de servicio con la posibilidad de vender sin una buena reputación.

Consejo de votación Escrow: los expertos de la industria pueden unirse al equipo seleccionado por los jueces de Opporty para crear conciencia y conocer su marca
Tecnología Blockchain: admite fuertes contratos intelectuales que no pueden ser alterados o prohibidos en los tribunales después de la ejecución.

Uso de la criptomoneda Oppory: los usuarios pueden comprar servicios usando moneda o tokens (o convertir tokens en dinero real)

Tecnología Blockchain: admite contratos intelectuales fuertes que no pueden ser alterados o prohibidos en la corte después de la ejecución
Uso de la criptomoneda Oppory: los usuarios pueden comprar servicios usando moneda o tokens (o convertir tokens en dinero real)

Criptomoneda de redención: el equipo de Opport crea un sistema de pago regular para respaldar el valor del token emitido y reconoce a los miembros más activos de la comunidad de Opporty.

Las exclusivas ventajas de Opporty son posibles gracias a un ecosistema único que combina una plataforma comercial conveniente con el poder de la cadena. El soporte al cliente puede enviar solicitudes, hacer propuestas, proporcionar respuestas y entregar contenido para compartir conocimiento en la forma digital más simple.

Todas las funciones anteriores se basan en la última plataforma, construida con pasión y atención al detalle. Por lo tanto, funciona sin problemas y proporciona un alto nivel de interacción con el sitio y su función.


Opporty es el mejor mercado para pequeñas y medianas empresas.
Al usar Opporty, puedes:

para ofrecer sus productos y servicios directamente a los clientes interesados;

lista de productos y servicios (descripción detallada);

   servicio al cliente local (si se especifica la ubicación);

Publicar aplicaciones para productos y servicios ofrecidos por otros miembros de Opport; contacto de trabajadores al azar e individuales

contratista; buscando empleados;

Deja un comentario y proporciona un enlace a otros miembros de Opport.

Opporty es una plataforma ideal para personas interesadas en trabajar con empresas. Suave, suave y fácil de usar y fácil de navegar.

Los usuarios ocasionales encontrarán útil a Opporty para encontrar productos y servicios específicos.

Pueden elegir la mejor opción o hacer una solicitud, describiendo qué producto o servicio desean. En muy poco tiempo recibirán una respuesta.

Ahora tienen que elegir la respuesta que más les gusta. Opporty también es una plataforma viable para autónomos y contratistas.

En Opporty pueden ofrecer sus servicios todos los días de la semana. Solo envíe un presupuesto y obtenga respuestas de otras compañías o miembros de Opport. Entonces solo elige las mejores ofertas. Eso es fácil

CRIPTOCURRENCIA & ICO ventaja competitiva

Cryptococcus opport es compatible con Ethereal. Los tokens se pueden usar de muchas maneras: compre servicios Opporty, pague por anuncios publicitarios, firme contratos intelectuales seguros y más.

Los usuarios pueden usar tokens para comprar y vender, o pueden intercambiar tokens por dinero. La criptomoneda proporciona la base para los contratos intelectuales utilizados para administrar el consejo de votación en Escrow, emitir un voto para los procedimientos estándar y contratos protegidos por la ley, sin riesgo, interrupción o influencia de ninguna de las partes.

Los tokens adicionales están protegidos contra la devaluación y la inestabilidad. El equipo de Opporty pagará regularmente dinero para garantizar que los usuarios recibirán una moneda para su inversión. Los tokens adicionales también se pueden canjear por otra conversión de cifrado. Este equipo proporciona tokens de oportunidad como moneda para las pequeñas empresas. Esto será respaldado por los pagos por los servicios de Opporty y los posibles servicios de compra mediante el uso de token y redención.

Si los usuarios se abstienen de usar la moneda cifrada, podrán pagar mediante el uso de fiat. Sin embargo, se les pedirá que elijan tokens, ya que la generosidad se paga como compensación en moneda cifrada.

Los tokens adicionales están protegidos contra la devaluación y la inestabilidad. El equipo de Opporty pagará regularmente dinero para garantizar que los usuarios recibirán una moneda para su inversión.

Los tokens adicionales también se pueden canjear por otra conversión de cifrado. Este equipo proporciona tokens de oportunidad como moneda para las pequeñas empresas. Esto será respaldado por los pagos por los servicios de Opporty y los posibles servicios de compra mediante el uso de token y redención.

Si los usuarios se abstienen de usar la moneda cifrada, podrán pagar mediante el uso de fiat. Sin embargo, se les pedirá que elijan tokens, ya que la generosidad se paga como compensación en moneda cifrada.

Diagrama de flujo
ofrece contratos flexibles con bloques de cadena y un sistema de fideicomiso descentralizado, Opporty conecta las relaciones con los contratistas del cliente a lo largo de la cadena de bloques.

Esta plataforma, con la ayuda de comunidades expertas, proporciona transparencia y seguridad, estandariza los procedimientos y crea un entorno colaborativo que fortalece la confianza entre las partes.

Los procedimientos de transacción son una parte integral del ecosistema Opporty seguro y favorable a las empresas. Gracias al uso de Escrow,
las empresas y los usuarios ordinarios que eligen contratos inteligentes están protegidos de proveedores que no cumplen con los requisitos del contrato.

El fideicomiso se presentará en dos etapas:
  • Si bien la comunidad de expertos es limitada, el administrador de opport cambiará a
profesores influyentes de esta industria y los alienta a convertirse en expertos en Escrow. • A medida que se desarrolle la plataforma Opporty, el equipo dará a los usuarios la oportunidad de convertirse y elegir su propio Juez de depósito en garantía.

Opporty ofrece a las empresas que necesitan servicios y proveedores de servicios que se encuentren de manera efectiva y resuelvan sus problemas de marketing. Al utilizar las mejores características de la plataforma con la última generación, Opporty mejora su modelo de negocio a un nuevo nivel.

   La estructura etereum es definida por el equipo de Opporty (capítulo - subtemas). La reputación se almacena en la base de datos de Opporty. La Comisión se calcula en la base de datos y es pagada mensualmente por la Comunidad

Para obtener más información, consulte los enlaces a continuación:


Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

LIVE STARS Is the best porn site

The idea of ICO Live Stars is to create the world's first webcam platform using blocking and smart contract technology.

What is Live Stars?

It's no secret that the adult entertainment industry through web cameras has long been a business with millions of viewers and great development prospects in the future. New planned platforms are created with this service, many of which leave the market given the enormous competition, some grow and become successful, but the underlying issues do not provide the likely development impetus. Innovation in Webcam should be a necessity, which will contribute to the rapid growth of the industry as a whole. This is what will be implemented in the Live Stars project!
To learn more details of existing adult website issues, it is important to consider all the components and components of the system. Today, there are many different internet sources, the most popular being BongaCams, LiveJasmin, ImLive and many others. All of these platforms 

operate in the same way, which include:

A website is a platform for accessing model translations

Affiliates are site partners who take various actions to attract new users who pay to Internet sources

Models are people who work in systems based on electronic contracts

Users are people interested in getting service from the model

Platforms enter into contracts with models and give them regular traffic, monitor compliance with all rules, and pay money. For the full function of the internet source, the TOP website has an entire staff of employees, divided into divisions, which together perform the full functionality of the system. Until recently, employees were almost manually running their jobs, as no automated systems were developed. This is because the number of units and employees who need to pay wages so that the web-based platform requires a substantial percentage of the total multiplication of funds by model, so that the last income drops many fold, and users to obtain certain services have to pay more money,

The service operating system is configured in such a way that in order to gain full access to the site and to use certain services, it is necessary to purchase a virtual currency called a token. Purchases are made through the Internet payment system, where your commissions are charged. In some cases, if the receiving payment department suspects a user of a fraudulent scheme with a card from one bank, the government is entitled to request a document confirming the identity of the user and after that, if all goes well, credited to his account on the platform of a certain currency
As for the income model, then everything is not that simple. To withdraw funds, it is necessary to achieve the minimum amount (most often $ 50). Moreover, the payment is not done every day, but on certain days. Therefore, during the execution of all operations by the system for the payment of the model money, the government may have doubts about the honesty of the money earned, consequently, the withdrawal of funds may be delayed within a certain period of time to clarify the circumstances.

It also happens that the model does not work for itself, but for studios that mediate between websites and models, thereby maintaining a certain percentage of the total amount of funds earned. Ultimately, model revenue varies in the range of 10-25% of the total amount, as a platform that provides income opportunities and the studio maintains its share.

The idea behind the Live Stars platform is that it will develop and implement block solutions that differentiate it from others with platform perfection with a different approach to business models.

Smart contacts enable the creation of an economic component of a site more secure, efficient and convenient, and this allows:

Have a high percentage of revenue for the model;

Ensure absolute anonymity and security for users;

Remove financial segment constraints, and intermediaries;

On a full scale, encrypting user system interactions through messaging with administrative and modeling;

Honestly interact with users;
Show anyone who wants open source and more.

Problems that exist in the webcam industry

The main problem of this industry is the lack of user anonymity. All services have their own database, which stores all information about registered users. Of course, you can specify data that can not be trusted during enrollment, but this is full of problems when you put funds into your account. That's why the system stores in its database:

User's name and surname, as well as payment terms data;

User location based on geography and IP address;

Time of visiting site;

Information about identity documents, if requested by the administration.

There is also detailed information about all actions taken on the site, token board model, the duration of the private broadcast and more.

Our platform offers the largest percentage of revenue in this industry

In addition, all conversations are fully accessible to the administration of this site, and if the user decides to communicate with the model via his web camera, this broadcast may be recorded and observed by the web platform staff.

All existing systems are configured in such a way that they can compare registered system users, all information about which is fully accessible by the administration of the platform. None of the systems have open source, so even though Internet resources declare complete anonymity, then no one can guarantee this.

Among other things, all existing sites can be distinguished, deficiencies such as:

User payment error when making a transaction

Delay, minimum amount and payment error against model

Low payout percentage of the model of total revenue

Distribution that does not match the model rating

Incomplete user data protection

Withdrawing revenue from the model

Problem with earning from affiliate

Solutions from Live Stars

The Live Stars team will give users complete anonymity and transaction security. This condition will help attract many people who can enjoy all the delights of entertainment sources for adults.

All transactions for platform services will only be done at the expense of virtual (crypto-currency) coins, which means the platform does not need to collect identity documents. Crypto currency is purchased on third-party services and is stored in a dedicated wallet, and this ensures complete transaction anonymity, and the Live Stars administration will not have data about users who have refilled the account in their account.

To use the services of this service model, you need to purchase a Live token for crypto currency. The system will do everything necessary for maximum user convenience, so the site will have the conversion of crypto currency into tokens with exchange rates.

All private broadcasts will be in one-to-one mode, indicating no middleman.

analyze each of the above issues and the solution from the Live Stars team:

User payment error, when making a transaction - this happens because of the large number of payments received by the platform from many users who, in turn, through third-party services and then log in to their account in their personal accounts. The whole mechanism is so great that it often leads to errors and failures because the transaction is delayed, or even canceled.

 Thanks to the use of crypto-service currency - all transactions are fully protected for users and systems, they do not have to undergo a large verification procedure, no middlemen, and payments are made instantly.

Delays, minimum amounts and errors in payments on the model - In order for the model to withdraw the money earned, it is necessary to collect the minimum amount for payment, which most often starts at $ 50. Even if the minimum for withdrawal has been reached, he or she has to wait a certain amount of time to receive the funds received .
 The Live Stars platform does not guarantee a minimum amount for withdrawals, and thanks to the introduction of smart contracts, the payment process will be automated, which in no way includes any possible human factors in doing this operation.
Payments are almost instantaneous, and in a personal account your site can instantly convert tokens into exchange rates at exchange rates.

Low payout percentage of the model of total revenue - many Webcam sites pay their model up to 40-50% of total token volumes. What's more, the most frequent amount is even less because of hidden commissions, currency conversion with undervalued prices and much more. All of this in an aggregate drive away new models from working with similar services.
 The full automation of receiving payment systems on Live Stars guarantees a high percentage of payments against the model, which varies in the 70% range, which is much higher than in many other sites. In addition, the absence of commissions, brokers and open source code ensures absolute transparency of the financial component for people who want to make money for this.

The undue distribution of the model ranking - the likelihood of model revenue directly depends on its position in ranking. Currently, none of the existing platforms provides access to the algorithm to allocate seats in the general rankings, which leads to suspicion of faith and reluctance to work with it.
 Open source code from Live Stars and clear algorithms for automatically place allocations in the rankings will say that the platform determines its TOP honestly.

Incomplete data protection for users- On many web cam resources, users need to download a scanned passport, and some require their own photos with passports in their hands. Upon receiving this information, it is stored on the server even if the user deletes his account, or records his new account. If the user has been banned for all types of violations, even with re-registration, he may not be allowed to use the source. Due to the fact that the service is not provided by users with open code, where you can ensure that their data is uploaded securely encrypted and not stored in the database, there is no guarantee that the data will not fall into the wrong hands. There is also no evidence that once an account is deleted, they will also be deleted. The Live Stars team solves this problem! Any user for verification of his age can upload the necessary document scans and delete them. And the fact that all data will be erased inevitably confirms the open source code of the service. Additionally, once the user adds a document and the administration approves it, the file will be encrypted.

Withdrawing revenue from the model - this procedure is called charjbek, where the model is withdrawn income on the grounds that the services provided by the model are paid with a stolen bank card. These cases are quite frequent, since the cardholder, from which the attacker pays the service, can easily prove his innocence to all subsequent transactions. It is easy for banks to follow this transaction and request a refund for previous purchases. Of course, this is not fair in relation to the model.
 As mentioned above, all transactions on the new platform are done at the expense of virtual coins - crypto-currency. Therefore, you can totally exclude all kinds of cheats with stolen bank cards and provide a model for the security of funds obtained.

 The problem with earning affiliate income - here everything is completely identical to all possible financial operations for the model. Affiliates that attract new and effective users to the platform often face issues such as the minimum amount to withdraw funds, regular delays, revenue withdrawals, large system commissions, the ugliness in the number of users involved, the possibility of rejection and even account blocking.
  In Live Stars, none of this will happen. Since there is no minimum amount for payment, money is directly transferred from the LIVE token to the crypto currency and displayed in the wallet at the stock exchange rate, no delays and many checks. The entire process is automated, and therefore affiliates will continue to receive payments to attract new viewers to the platform.

Fundraising and publishing the Star Jump token will serve as a means to finance the marketing and advertising of the Live Stars platform, as well as Live Stars platform software development. The Live Stars token will be used to make payments on the Live Stars platform.
During the presale phase, funds can be sent in the ETH currency. The contract address will be announced on before the start of the sales crowd. The evidence will be transferred as soon as the funds are received at the contract address. 200 million "LIVE" tokens will be issued in total.

Team Member
The success of any project is determined by the availability of qualified and experienced specialists. On Live Stars employees staff, for today, consists of:

Alexander Kansky. Is the main programmer of the project. I take part in the advanced web-cam platform programming architecture. Have experience in working with many international projects.

     Oleg Kurov. Programmers Have great experience in highly solid administration programming. He works in many commercial projects and is involved in creating complex programs for various international companies

     Martin Heidengberg. Graduated in IT. Manage projects and be responsible for marketing. He also has experience working in international companies.

     Linda Gabrane. Platform financial leader. This is the responsibility of business analysts, budget allocations. Having experience in banking.


To date, the team consists of this specialist. According to the government, later on they will expand staff to attract employees in the areas of design, programming and marketing.

Live Stars project roadmap?

Year 2017

September October

Perform a Live token presale

     Expansion of number of employees;

     Development of ICO's marketing and preparatory plans;

     Beginning development of early versions of web-cam services (Depending on the number accumulated, presale)

 November - December

     Conducting ICO project;

     Develop your own bag to store tokens;

     Development of alpha versions of web resources;

     Exit to the stock exchange;

     Partnership with other projects, based on the blockbase for expansion and enhancement of platform functionality

 Year 2018


     Conducting audits;

     Project beta;

     Get all the licenses installed for the complete project launch

3-4 quarters

     The final release and launch of the Live Stars platform;

     Launch marketing campaigns;

     Mass appeal to affiliate collaboration, model and solvent user

 The ICO process will be implemented in stages:

     September 2017

      Presale - here will be sold 20 million token LIVE (rate - 1 token = $ 0.05). Thus, Hard Cap will be $ 1 million. In this case, all unsold LIVE will be available at the ICO stage.

     November - December 2017

      ICO will sell 120 million LIVE (level 1 tokens = $ 0.2). At the same time Hard Cap will be $ 24 million.
      Remaining service currency will be frozen until the end of 2019

 Token Distribution

Based on the diagram, we see that the largest percentage of token distributions are occupied by crowdsdale - 60% of the total. With 14% going to be distributed between the team and the foundation of the Live Stars project. For pre-sales, 10% will be allocated and 2% will remain for reward campaigns.

Distribution of funds to be collected

 The budget will be allocated to components such as: marketing, development and legal frameworks. As shown in the diagram:

     60% will be allocated to organize marketing research and attract models, pay users on established and fully functional platforms;

     30% will accept as a platform for financial support developers, and also part of this will be used for the creation of prototype projects and independent audits;

     10% of the budget will be used for the establishment of a reliable legal basis and obtain all necessary licenses from the Live Stars platform



Ini sebuah proyek yang terdesentralisasi dengan nilai yang sangat menguntungkan bagi calon investor dan ini adalah salah satu pro...